Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"You know....with Fragile X comes mental retardation. . . . But I wouldn't even know he had anything. He's not a funny looking kid."

This is the first thing the ENT said to me when we saw her today. Put a knife in my heart while you're at it. Sometimes the best scientists just don't make the best doctors. Because of that, she didn't want to delay in putting tubes in Pup's ears. "He's already at such a high risk of developmental problems we shouldn't wait." As much as I was all for her get to it attitude, she could've spared me a ride on the Straight Talk Express. Sometimes a little kindness goes a long way. At least she knew what fragile x was. For that I was grateful. It was just a reminder that those "Check with your doctor if you are concerned about your child's development" passages in all baby books and baby websites apply to me.

Anyway, Pup will be getting tubes in his ears within the next few weeks. Another hurdle conquered????!


Anonymous said...

I would have so wanted to say something like, "Ya know...with a degree comes some level of intelligence. You sure don't look smart." lol...like you said...at least she knew what it was and is going to get him tubes.

Vicki Davis said...

I am so sorry for her lack of sensitivity. At least pup will be getting the tubes without a battle!

Tammy said...

Well, with my experience I have learned that not all doctors have the best bedside manners or know how to talk to parents in a respectful way. That is why the good ones really seem to stick out in your mind right?? Good luck with everything, even though my experience was different I truly understand the emotions you are going through and I want you to know that I think you are doing a fabulous job :) Tammy Rickabaugh-Zucker

Floortime Lite Mama said...

what is wrong with doctors
I just came upton your blog and am really touched by it
My son has ASD - pretty classic ASD in fact and he still brings us tons of joy and is very intellignet
Dont believe all the doom sayers
I am reading this book right now "The boy who loved windows" and its soooo inspiring. She has a child who seems pretty limited potential at birth and does so well with tons of hard work from her and professionals