Monday, February 16, 2009

The Day Has Come

Well, the day has come, and because I know my sister reads this I feel ok writing about it because I could not talk about it without crying. I'm starting to see her son (3 months younger than Pup) do things that Pup is not. He's babbling a whole lot and is already sitting up- way earlier than Pup. I know there are ranges in all babies and I shouldn't compare, but it's so hard not to. I know it'll get worse and eventually he'll "out do" my kid. I know his whole life I'll see differences between my child with fragile x syndrome and typically developing kids but as he is only 9 months I wasn't really seeing it yet. The day has arrived where it's happening and although I know he'll get there it just breaks my heart a little because fragile x is real and it is happening. more whining or pouting. I know I need to suck it up and just be happy that he's doing as well as he is because I know it could always be worse.

On another note, Baby Hank (my baby nephew) is SOOOOO cute and since he's the first niece or nephew I'm around a lot I can't believe how much I adore him. It makes me a little sad that my niece Darcy is not around more to share the joy of all the cousins being around to play. It's hilarious to see Pup and Hank roll around together on the floor- especially because they are so close in age. Angela, if you are reading.....move closer. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

I understand what you are dealing with. It's a natural part of it. I think the early years are the worst when dealing with it. I think I came to acceptance when all the other kids were writing and Matty still wasn't holding a pencil (not that your child will be that bad). It's all an adjustment.

Vicki Davis said...

I am so sorry Josephine. It is hard. My Best Friends baby was a preemie so he is slightly delayed with his adjusted age and 3 months younger then Holly, so when they play he hasn't surpassed her yet.. But I don't doubt there will be a point down the road when he does, and I know it will be devistating! there are many levels of acceptance, and i find I am having to Accept over and over again as denial creeps in and I forget. Hang in there. PS we go and See Dr Hagerman next week to offically start the baby study. Are you going up in the next 1-2 months also?

Jen said...

I can relate, and it's ok to pout and whine. :) It still stings a bit to see other kids that I know are younger than Evan, yet they are doing more.

Jo said...

Thanks for your kind words. Glad I'm not alone.

ST said...

We knew Quinn was different from around 7 months, and have known his diagnosis for about 6 months, but it is still hard to see him side-by-side with other kids. Wish I had some words of wisdom...but I do have lots of sympathy.

Jo said...

How did you know at 7 months? May I ask what you were seeing?

ST said...

Mostly because he was nowhere near being able to sit up and was not babbling. But our intuition also told us something was different - he just wasn't exploring the world and learning in the same way that our friends' kids were. But our doctor had a very "wait and see" approach. He didn't take us seriously until Quinn was around 15 months old and just beginning to pull up to stand - not close to walking and no words or even word-like babbling of any kind, or pointing, or gesturing (even something simple like putting up arms to be picked up, doing "so big" or "bye bye"). So at 15 months we went to a developmental ped and then to a neurologist and finally to a geneticist and got his diagnosis when we was around 23 months old. We then got a new pediatrician. Anyway...