Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rolling Over

Puppy rolled over today for the first time totally unassisted!!!!! He's only 2 1/2 months old. That's younger than AJ was. He was about 4 months old when he rolled over. So, that's one milestone achieved.

Today we hosted Fragile X Awareness Day for the family. D and I showed a FRAXA DVD, a powerpoint presentation, and everyone got a binder full of FX info. I felt like such an advocate for Harry. Everyone was so great, too. AJ slept through it but that was better.

AJ is learning how to dive in at swimming. He's also crying less. We've asked his teacher about hiring her privately after the session is over.

Next week Pup is going to the UC Davis MIND Institute to see Dr. Randi Hagerman. I'm excited about meeting her and her staff.