Monday, November 29, 2010


Started ABA today for Pup AND a second hour of speech therapy until he's 3. The behaviorist just observed his behavior for the hour. I'm hoping she will be an asset to our family.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Funny Things

AJ- "tantrum, tantrum, whine...."
Me: " Stop whining."
AJ: "It's your fault."
Me: "Don't blame me for your whining."
AJ: "My parents always make me mad."

Later tonight-
AJ was doing his homework. I asked him to correct something.
His reply, "I can control my own life."

Saturday, November 27, 2010


My sister brought it to my attention that it has been a year since I blogged. I can't at this time catch up on the entire past least not today, but I promise myself that I'm going to start again. Too much has happened in the past year for me to write everything, but at some point I will probably highlight some good stuff. I can only do what I can do, right?

Work has kept me very busy as well as my kids. Pup is doing well and will start ABA next week. AJ is in kindergarten now and is doing well. So, to get myself started I told my husband I would at least write something to get myself it is. I was dreading having to start again as I felt so much time has past, but I really don't need to record every detail of the past year and can just start from today.

BUT, now that I'm sitting and typing, I feel compelled to write some stuff down. Pup is finally starting to try to communicate. I say try because I feel that I as his mother am probably the only one who'd understand him. I worry about when he starts preschool in a few months. How will they know what he wants? He will start a second hour of speech this next week. Thank goodness for Regional Center.

Ok, this has wiped me out. More tomorrow. Promise.