Thursday, February 19, 2009

Can't EAT!

Pup will not be able to eat at all from midnight until his tubes are put in at 9 am the next day. That will be a struggle considering he still nurses at night. I made the appt. for next Thursday! He'll get his tubes and hopefully his hearing back. Also, his PT will start on Monday! I'm so thrilled.


ST said...

Oh, that's the worst - making kids fast before surgery/anesthesia. It's so hard because of course they don't know why they can't eat. I hope it all goes by quickly and without incident. Ear tubes have been great for our little guy - I hope they are for yours!

Vicki Davis said...

Wow - that will be so hard on him.. Poor little guy, but it will be worth it in the end. Whats the longest he has gone so far? 6 hours.. Maybe you can practice stretching it this week to prepair him.