Monday, July 20, 2009

Lots to catch up on

Gee...I can't believe I haven't posted since March. Well, there is definitely too much to report but as I can, I will fill in some blanks. Pup is now 14 months and is doing well. He finally started crawling at about 12 months and is now pulling up to stand and can cruise if motivated by toys. I really wish he could clap and bang things together. His fine motor is kind of lacking. He doesn't, however, seem to have any sensory problems yet and sleeps pretty well. He's very friendly and loving. He enjoys much pressure on his face so he always welcomes kisses. AJ is still the best at making him laugh. He had his tubes put in and started making many sounds within the month after. Although he never had an ear infection before the tubes, he's had two since. I don't really know why. He also had surgery to correct a hypospadius. Poor guy. We have been swimming a lot at the PopPop and Mimi's and have a full schedule of therapies in place. Since my last post Pup started OT weekly (as opposed to once a month) and speech therapy once a week. I LOVE his speech therapist. She's so knowledgeable and so great with Pup. I believe he is her youngest client. Because of his diagnosis and the tubes, he was a good candidate for speech. My regional center doesn't advocate for it until kids are usually about 18 months. Next week we start a Hanen class for parents. I'm really looking forward to this.

I think the reason for my lack of posts was the stress I was under at work. CA's budget is a mess and I, a school teacher, was laid off. I have a verbal guarantee from my union that I'll most likely be rehired in August. I'm next on the rehire list. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Now I'm off for summer and actually able to do things like laundry and housework. I'm also on a mission to lose some weight as I'm feeling that eating my way through stress is not good. We recently discovered picking our own fruits and veggies at a local farm. It was so much fun and the whole family could do it together. I think I will try to go every couple of weeks instead of going to the store. We went last week with my niece and brother in law who were visiting from out of town. It's nice to see the boys with their cousins. Pup is very interactive and so sweet. Totally different than how I thought he'd be.

Since March AJ also finished his first year of preschool as well was in a wedding! I'll post some pics.

Ok...more later. I'll be on a roll now.


Jen said...

Yay! Glad you're back! It's great to hear that Pup is doing well.

Anonymous said...

i feel ya....stress and blogging just don't mix. good luck on your job...keep us posted :)

ST said...

Glad you're back! Pup sounds like he's doing really well - hooray! I hear you on the stress of the CA budget stuff. I work at a Cal State. So sorry to hear about the layoff - I hope you are called back.

Vicki Davis said...

Glad to see your back, disreguard my questions about speech ect. I can;t beleive your Regional Center is sending you to a hanen class thats amazing, I fought for 6 months to get Holly a Speech Therapist and had to pay out of pocket for two independant speech evals to indicate it was recommended before they would see my request, still no respite either... Pup sounds amazing. We do OT, PT, and Speech Each 1x a week and I try and take her swimming at the warm pool weekly. My speech therapist just told me that I might loose her at reeval time, as Holly is only 30% delayed no officially due to her signing, and you need to be 50% delayed to qualify, but she thinks if she stops getting services she will fall to 50% or more in a few months... BLAH. I had been out of town and behind on reading blogs, so didn;t realize you started posting again, its great to see all your posts! We are heading back to UC Davis in October.Hope to talk to you more soon.