Thursday, July 30, 2009


Got a call from our union pres. today. She says I should be hearing something next week about being rehired. It's wonderful news although my secret hope of maybe being able to stay home is gone. I knew I wouldn't really be able to do it, but alas, I'm happy to maybe be rehired. I decided also, today, that I would try to fix my own kitchen sink. I tried just to fix the leak but ended up taking out the whole faucet. I had to turn off the water because I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do now. I actually didn't do it myself. Pup's early interventionist did it. After an hour of therapy, she offered to help me with the plumbing. She's awesome.

I discovered this evening that my sister-in-law, who also blogs about family life, has another blog about her encounters with baking, cooking, and growing veggies. She has never mentioned this blog to me so I'm wondering if it's supposed to be secret. Probably not because she's just modest really. Anyway, it got me thinking that I really need to focus on doing things I enjoy as well. One can only handle so much work and child rearing. Do I even have any hobbies? Well, I do love teaching and I often obsess over things like improving reading and writing instruction. Perhaps I should blog about that? No, it's related to work. I don't want to only be what I do......I will have to think on this one.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yay! And, hey, if you had a blog about teaching, I would read it! :)
Because I was a new teacher this past year, I was among those who received a RIF letter here. But, it looks like we're all getting jobs back....I, too, had that secret hope of staying home, even though I knew that just wouldn't work for us now.