Sunday, March 8, 2009


Shortly after the movie day with the folks of the Southern California Fragile X Association, the president contacted me. She had found my blog and asked if she could take my reflection about the movies and use it in the newsletter. I was thrilled. If it helps someone than I would be more than happy to share it. I can't figure out how to post it here, but I'll figure it out.

My nephew is now clapping. He's almost 7 months. I'm still waiting for Pup to do that. STOP COMPARING I'm telling myself. I'm so worried about so many things. Budget cuts to regional centers, losing my teaching job....So many teachers in CA are being laid off. This week I'm supposed to get the letter telling me that I may be laid off in May. I know I will cry when my principal gives it to me. At school this week we have to wear pink ribbons all week, we'll have informational picketing, and then a big rally on Friday. Times are so scary.


Vicki Davis said...

Congrats on the article. I am so sorry to hear about the possible layoff.. My PT just told me that everyone has to take 3% cut and if the state can't find something like 2 million to cut in that office, then everyone has to take 10% cuts instead.

Holly turns 1 year old on Wednesday we just had her party today. Her 10 month old friend was clapping. She doesn;t clap or wave bye bye yet. I understand where you are coming from, but focus on the positive, don't compare. Is he gaining new skills weekly, learning new things.. Thats what matters, even if the progress is slower.

Jo said...

You're right. He is doing better every week. He's doing some bear crawl thing now, and he's starting to scoot forward. I'm thrilled about that. And, on top of it all, he's still VERY cuddly and VERY sweet. No sensory issues so far. Tubes go in on the 19th as well. So, there is progress.

ST said...

I think it's just so normal to compare. I hope you don't/won't beat yourself up about it. When we are alone with Quinn, we just enjoy him for who he is and it's wonderful. The fact that we sometimes compare and feel a bit sad doesn't mean we love him less - it just means we are seeing - and accepting - the reality of our changed lives.

ST said...

Hey Mrs. Smith - just wondering how things are going! : )