Thursday, December 18, 2008

Piano Lessons

Today was AJ's first piano lesson. He was a little less enthusiastic as I thought he'd be, but I guess he's only 3 so it's to be expected. His teacher was so great and very patient. He learned where middle c was and got to explore the keys playing "Echo" with his teacher. His teacher would play out a rhythm and AJ had to echo it as best he could. When he wasn't being stubborn he did well.

Pup was hilarious tonight. Although I haven't heard baba in a while ( so sad...) he IS making a new noise. It reminds me of the sound you make when you prepare to play a trumpet. I can't really explain it. Anyway, he's pushing up on his hands really well now and is sitting up for a lot longer before tipping. I was told he doesn't have the instinct to put his hands out in front of him when he's falling so I have to practice on a ball....pushing him forward to get his hands out in front of him. It's weird as I don't know if AJ could do that....

I got in touch with a cousin from my father's side of the family tonight. We have spread the word about fragile x in our family and I'm not so thrilled to learn that many family members have tested as carriers. Thank goodness for Jules' doc who made the discovery.

1 comment:

Vicki Davis said...

Very interesting... Holly started to say Ba all the time and then Ba Ba right after the Minocycline, it was a new thing and she practiced it a lot, and then we didn;t hear it for a while and worried she was regressing, but it is back again, and all her theripists told us it was because it was new she did it often, and then later she was "practicing" other "new" things so her focus went to that, now that she seems like she is thinking about talking again, or has learned a bunch of other new things she is babbling again.. But they warned me when she starts to walk it will slow down or stop again, as that takes a lit of concentration.

The Piano lesson sounds like fun. Joel tries to play piano with holly a few times a week, music is so good for children.