Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Minocycline Over

So, Puppy did really well on the medication. No reactions at all. I had to keep a weekly journal for the Dr. and did so. I thought about posting it here, but decided not to. When I went back up to the MIND Institute to reevaluate him after the meds, Dr. H. was impressed by his progress. Although I don't really know if his progress was because he was a month older or if it was the meds. Who knows.......as long as something is happening I should be happy. He became a lot more focused and interactive. He's laughing more, smiling, getting really stong. He's doing crunches, like a sit up and is balancing for a second or two in a sitting up position before falling over. He also rolled over from stomach to back (he was already doing back to stomach) a couple of times....but on this he's stubborn.

Pup also got his first two teeth! The bottom two and I don't think they're discolored which I thought might happen because of the meds.

Halloween was fun. Pup was a skeleton and AJ was Peter Pan. It was fun taking him trick-or-treating for the first time. Everyone thought he was Robin Hood. When one man asked him if he was Robin Hood he said, "No I'm Peter Pan." The man replied, "Oh, Peter Pan!" and AJ said back, "Yeah, whatever you want to call it." He's only 3 and the things that come out of his mouth are hilarious.

His preschool had a fall family festival last week. It was fun seeing him in his element. He introduced us to Teacher Tina, showed us his classroom, and of course....went to play in the kitchen area. He's such a crack up. He has access to so many toys but all he wants to do is pretend to cook and BBQ. DH and I will get him a kitchen or bbq for Christmas. I know he'll love it.

Even though he likes what he likes at school, he is venturing out into new things there. He chose to paint for the first time and is attempting to ride the tricycles they have there although he's still a bit timid. I hung his painting in his room where he wanted to look at it everyday.

Today was election day and I took AJ to the polls with me. He said he was going to vote for Aunt Kelly.


Anonymous said...

Can't argue with progress :)

Vicki Davis said...

I am so glad to see the trial went well. I didn't realize you had a second son, has he been tested? How old is pup now, he seems pretty advanced for what 5 months? or is he older. holly just rolled onto her stomach a few weeks ago and she is almost 8 months, but she was sitting at around 6 1/2. Sounds like he is doing well, she got her two bottom teeth early also.

Are you going back to Davis when he is 10 months?