Monday, June 23, 2008

First Evaluation

Today an occupational therapist came from our regional center to evaluate Puppy. She was very sweet and well meaning but I couldn't help but become angry when she left. I have read so much about FX now at this point and have spoken to so many people that I am kind of aware of what to expect as my son develops. She said that she didn't know much about FX, but had looked into it before coming to our house. She said that he may not have any delays and he may be just fine. I asked her how that was possible and she just said it was. Now, I know that's true for girls, but it's not true for it? Wouldn't that be great? Anyway, she said the baby should start receiving services (probably 1 time a week) within the next couple of weeks.

Anyway, Puppy, 5 weeks old, was able to track objects and has good muscle tone. He's easy to soothe and has a nice temperament. This is what she told us.

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